

昨天晚上的时候发生了一件不太舒心的事情,房东阿姨气势汹汹地过来找我说「这里不允许养狗」。她说她已经收到了很多租客的投诉了,全部是因为木木的「吠叫」扰民了。当时房东阿姨的样子是特别生气的,她甚至直接说「15 号之前从这里搬出去」。是的,这一回房东一点都不像是在开玩笑,这是需要严肃对待的事情了。

其实,早在房东阿姨来找我的两天前,木木还咬坏了我的 B&W 耳机,我花了近 3000 人民币买的耳机,一切发生在我没有出远门的情况下,当时我就在家门口转了一圈,再一看的时候耳机就已经被木木从桌上拖下来咬得粉身碎骨了。即便如此,我也只有生气了不到半小时,毕竟耳机已经没有办法恢复了,但是木木可能还是可以随着时间的推移慢慢变乖呀。







I did try to use entrapment (pretending I already go to work) to let Mumu know which thing can not to do, like bark all the time and break the cage. On Saturday morning, I tried twice to shock it when it does bite the cage for escape, later, it didn't try to break the cage until I'm back home.

On Sunday, I tried entrapment a few more time, Mumu all doing well, I washed it body and hair, and bought some snakes which it likes to eat. New start, everything needs to be fresh right?

But, everything all will get a "BUT," today, Monday, workday. I have done things for Mumu, and I go to work, with trust to Mumu full of my heart. When I arrived at the company's building, waiting for the elevator, I check the camera, Mumu is no longer staying in the cage! OUTSIDE AGAIN! And I checked those backup videos, and I do hear it's BARK! Pretty LOUD!

At that moment, I felt my head is going to explode, or maybe like I had cerebral hemorrhage. I don't know what else I could do for Mumu, maybe give it a few more days, until this weekend. I do really hope that Mumu could be Ok, just for those times when I'm not home. I do prepare bones to let it bite, I do leave it enough food to eat, I do walk it outside morning and night, I do give it hours to play with other dogs.

I can't offer more I think, I can't quit my job for it, and if Mumu keeps disobedience only a few simple requests, I don't think it could live well later of its life.

Well, if what Mumu really needs is a grassland, I'm sorry that I can't offer this. I'm sorry to take you home Mumu. If you insist on these ungood activations, I can only send you to another owner. Maybe you also could lives happy. I will be pleased with your happiness.