Yes, what the title shows are what I'm thinking. Correct, I'm starting to learn foreign languages once again. Maybe I will be lost in this study plan again, but whatever, learning is never a bad thing, for me, also everyone.

I already started this plan at Duolingo two weeks ago. I was wondering that "will I give up", but thought two weeks, I found that maybe I could do better than before this time, if so, why do not write a post to mark a flag?

So, here I am.

As the same as before, I won't learn just one language at one time, because I tried many times and it's just so easy to let me feel bored with the class.

So, this time I choose english & spanish & french. Sounds not good about learning three languages at the same time, but because what I'm going to learn is very basic of the language, so it's not that hard actually.

No mention that these three languages had many similar places, like words and grammar, these all could make my learning easier and faster.

I don't know how long I could take this time, hopefully, I could finish all classes of these three languages on Duolingo. Maybe I will fail again this time, but I will try my best to make me learn more.

As for Busuu, I think I will keep it on my phone, but I'm not so sure that I will keep using it in the future. It's not a bad way to learn a language, just for me, it's not funny, and I am a complicate man who could very easy to fall in sleep if I sensed boring.

Yeah, every time I using Busuu, I can never keep learning more than 15 minutes, I will fall in sleep all the time. Maybe it just not fit me. Duolingo is also boring app but better than Busuu. Maybe I just need a toy while it helps me learn. Busuu is more like a school textbook, not as interesting, but with more intellectual content.

Anyway, I will go cancel Busuu subscription anytime and pay attention to Duolingo. I would to chasing higher medals. I only have a sapphire level right now, and my goal is to get to a diamond level. Haha.

I also sign up a new form to be a volunteer. I was a volunteer but I quit because some personal reasons, I don't know if I could join the volunteer again, I just wish that the classes on Duolingo could be better, for now, I just using english to learn other languages because the classes for chinese speaker are not well.

Also hope that someday I could join a chat group to practice oral. Balabala.

Time to sleep, I don't have a good sleep last night, anyway, today's Duolingo study is done.